
Skyrim Manual Reveals That You Can Punch

The Elder Scrolls 5: SkyrimNews (37)Previews (16)ReviewVideos (22)Screenshots (27)Cheats and WalkthroughsThe Elder Scrolls 5: SkyrimNews (37)Previews (16)ReviewVideos (22)Screenshots (27)Cheats and WalkthroughsThe Elder Scrolls 5: SkyrimNews (37)Previews (16)ReviewVideos (22)Screenshots (27)Cheats and Walkthroughs Yesterday you got to take a first look at the world map for The Elder Scrolls 5: Skyrim, which Bethesda Softworks will release on November 11. That was pretty cool, but a just-leaked copy of the game manual offers a bit more substance in terms of what we can expect from the game.Screen caps of the booklet can be found at imgur (via CVG). It's pretty standard-issue stuff for the most part; minor changes to the rules and UI here and there, but overall the rules in Skyrim are largely the same as they were in Oblivion and Morrowind. One thing did catch my eye though, a new element to the game's dialogue system: brawling.In addition to being able to persuade, intimidate and bribe the people of Skyrim, you'll also have the option of just throwing your head back in disgust and throw down with your fists. These unarmed battles are always non-lethal as long as weapons remain sheathed; as soon as lethal force is used, your friendly brawl turns into a full-blown crime. Sort of places new value on the game's unarmed combat skill in the social realm, doesn't it?Also revealed is the fact that you'll be able to interact with cooking pots to prepare various food items. You'll need the appropriate ingredients in order to complete the task, of course. Sounds like a good way to earn some extra scratch though, especially if your Skyrim hero, like the previous ones from Oblivion and Morrowind, doesn't require food in order to survive.Source: imgur

