
Home Scheduled maintenance before zombie

More zombie hordes are on their way to Home, but not before the service goes offline tomorrow for maintenance. EU users won't be able to log into the service from 8am BST tomorrow, when it will go down for an unspecified duration. But once it comes back online, Sony says a zombie attack will be imminent. "We have unconfirmed reports of a second wave of zombies ravaging the once peaceful island resort of Banoi this week as the undead virus continues to thrive," says the PS Blog. "It is as yet unknown how far the virus has spread throughout PlayStation Home and authorities advise stocking up on the weaponry now available at the local store before leaving the area."Elsewhere in the update, you'll find a new Sodium-themed Silicon Lounge in the Lockwood Publishing store, new Alice Cooper items in the AAA store, paintball outfits and more. Hit up the PS Blog (link below) for loads more info on that. But don't expect anything on Sony's EU plans for the Home overhaul it announced for US earlier this week. That update goes sadly unmentioned. Mike Jackson

