
Feedback Takes On PAX Prime 2011 And Madd

AntichamberNewsPreviewsReviewVideos (1)ScreenshotsCheats and Walkthroughs Guild Wars 2News (44)Previews (13)ReviewVideos (47)Screenshots (35)Cheats and Walkthroughs FirefallNews (4)Previews (3)ReviewVideos (10)Screenshots (41)Cheats and Walkthroughs Madden NFL 12News (10)Previews (4)ReviewVideos (15)ScreenshotsCheats and WalkthroughsMadden NFL 12News (10)Previews (4)ReviewVideos (14)ScreenshotsCheats and WalkthroughsMadden NFL 12News (4)Previews (3)ReviewVideos (11)ScreenshotsCheats and WalkthroughsMadden NFL 12News (4)Previews (3)ReviewVideos (11)ScreenshotsCheats and Walkthroughs This week is officially half over and I know the perfect way to celebrate: a tall glass of Feedback! That's refreshing and low calorie. One this special PAX edition ormtfdback your panel is Adam Sessler, Blair Herter, Leah Jackson and Mike D'Alonzo.This past weekend was a little convention called PAX Prime 2011. Most of the Feedback crew was there. Listen as they reflect on their favorite games, like Antichamber, Guild Wars 2 and FireFall. Plus, what's the deal with GameStop removing OnLive coupons from PC copies of Deus Ex: Human Revolution? GameStop sells PC games still? I joke.Are you ready for some virtual football? I hope so because we're talking about Madden NFL 12. Does Madden 12 live up to the Madden legacy?News, reviews, anecdotes, inappropriate one-liners, this episode of Feedback has it all. Try not to enjoy it too much, we all know what happens when you get carried away. Feedback -- PAX Prime 2011 & Madden NFL 12 Edition » The AUDIO MP3 of this episode of FEEDBACK is available here: Right-click and Save.Are you thinking what I'm thinking? Let's watch it again, right after we leave the NICEST comment ever.



Crytek working on new FPS franchise - rep

Crysis and Ryse developer Crytek is currently working on a new first person shooter franchise. That's according to the LinkedIn profile of a gameplay programmer at the studio, spotted by internet sleuth Superannuation, which cites work on a new shooter IP for Xbox 360, PS3 and rmtPt also claims Crytek cancelled work on a third person shooter, possibly titled Redemption.Crytek recently denied rumours it has begun development on games for the next generation Xbox.



Gears of War 3 The Best in the Series -

Gears of War 3News (76)Previews (22)ReviewVideos (89)rmtSnshots (88)Cheats and Walkthroughs Gears of War 3News (76)Previews (22)ReviewVideos (89)Screenshots (88)Cheats and Walkthroughs By now you probably know that a little game called Gears of War 3 came out today. When a game with that much expectation comes out, people often wonder if it lives up to the hype. Well no need to look any further, because The Sess is about to tell you exactly why Gears 3 is not only the best game in the franchise, but also one of the better games he's played in recent memory. Now hurry up and watch this week's Soapbox so we can get back online and continue to curb stomp each other into tiny gooey bits. Sessler's Soapbox: Gears of War 3 is Awesome »Subscribe to G4's WEB SHOWS Video Podcast:



Picaroon Interview - RTS Meets MMO

By Bryan King (Bryan), OnRPG JournalistPicaroon is a brand new MMORTS that prides itself on mixing time-based rounds based on player preference, such as rounds being able to last anywhere from 90 minutes to four weeks. Today, I got the chance to sit down with Paul Baker of Nice Technology to discuss Picaroon.Nice Technology was formed in 2009 to commercialise the company’s unique MMOG engine (AliceServer), develop the software further and self publish games made with it. Nice Technology has developed two titles: Tronji, a children’s MMOG created for BBCW and Ragdoll and Picaroon, both of which are in open beta.Picaroon, has been produced by a small but dedicated team: Toby Simpson, creator of AliceServer, designer and producer; Mark Ashton, designer, producer and lead programmer; Greg Brown, lead artist; Gavin Rudd client, web and database programmer; Gary Wood IT network and support manager;rmt Paul Baker, general manager.The credit here goes to Mark Ashton the co-designer, producer and lead client programmer on Picaroon. We knew that the game had a swashbuckling theme, but title ideas with the word pirate in it just didn't feel right. Then Mark came up with Picaroon which means the same thing and it sounds much nicer as all words with two 'o's in do. Of course there's also the issue that if we mention pirates in the title, it sets people's expectations to a historic setting whereas we've deliberately based Picaroon in some suitably grim future to allow us to pick and choose what technology we wish to use and not be limited to cannons, swords and parrots.Picaroon is played out in the future where all that remains of the Earth’s surface are thousands and thousands of small tropical islands – most of them volcanic in nature. Now tidally locked, half of the planet is in perpetual darkness and no-one knows what is there (yet!). The remaining people battle it out for control of the land that’s available to feed the power of a few massive warlords descended from empires of times long past. At least that’s the story as told around camp fires these days! What we really wanted was an excuse to mix old and new and apply a little odd styling of our own. If we based a pirate sea game in the past we’d not have been able to have super submarines, dirigibles and weapons of mass destruction. We wanted some familiarity and the ability to continue to uncover cool new things in future games: the tidally locked thing is part of that—there’s a whole half of the world that is dark and unexplored…Picaroon is a RTS: a genre that is traditionally very hard to transplant into the MMOG arena. Part of this is that it is technically quite difficult to manage hundreds of thousands of units owned by different players on a single server and game instance. We have created some exciting new technology that lets us do this and we wished to show it off as best as we could! Also, of course, because it's a technical and design challenge, we were aware that any large-scale MMOG real-time strategy game would be unique, and we would be providing something to the market that was not already present.Picaroon is also unique for a couple of reasons. Firstly it’s got this end-game phase where players who tribute a threshold amount of resources to the warlords get access to some pretty amazing extra weaponry at the end of the game which is designed to encourage some pretty vast wars. Secondly, we have worked very hard to establish a path of development that lets us introduce new game types that allow the game to appeal to more and more people. Obviously we’re also in a situation where unlike RPGs, RTSs tend to have a single winner. That can make for a lot of losers – so it’s vital that we have many, many ways to win, both small and large. We’re proud of the results of that work and we’ve yet to scratch the surface.So far, so good! The reaction we have had has been excellent. We have worked very hard during beta to listen carefully to what our players say and respond accordingly when producing updates. The open beta has given us the opportunity to listen to a wider audience and to learn what our game feels like to play for the first time. We want Picaroon to be successful and the only way we will achieve that is through keeping our ears more open than our mouths!We have received many suggestions from testers about the balance of units, the structure of alliances, the scoring of points, and specials! During beta we have made many changes to each of these areas as well as introducing some cool new features such as the airship and the technology centre. In addition, we’ve made progress to releasing a beta version of Persistent Picaroon.In a large scale MMORTS such as Picaroon where players can control hundreds of units in real time, one of the biggest challenges is to balance the gameplay between paying players, free players, individual players, alliances and then particular units. This has been meticulously undertaken over a period of beta testing.The biggest technical challenge was to update the graphics engine so that it can display the hundreds of ships of alliances members in a shared scene without performance degradation in the heat of vast battles!Picaroon's end-game is something that we're very pleased with. It's a feature where towards the end of any game, the rules change a little and the players that have given away the most resources through a tribute system get some powerful new units and specials that are only valid for the duration of that game. We have found that this encourages everyone to go to war and that is entertaining and engaging for all the players.Plus we really like the newer units, the airship and technology centre, plus our original favourite the super submarine!Well the longest game we’ve had to date is approximately four weeks but we do have Persistent Picaroon up our sleeves!We spent a lot of time balancing the game and created rules so that cash players cannot ‘buy’ a win by using very powerful specials. The intention is to trade time for money but not necessarily a place on the leader board. We also offer vanity specials such as banners and in the future stylish character models for paying customers.To underline what we were saying above, some of the most powerful specials cannot be purchased with cash but can only rarely be found or bought with in game gold!We hope that by presenting the game in as simple a way as possible we will encourage all game players to try the game. We have kept the barriers low: the game is free-to-play which should help encourage maximum trial and, in addition, it’s only a 60MB client download, incredibly light weight for a game of this genre.To support this we are also presenting Picaroon in a variety of flavours: Skirmish Picaroon can be played out over an hour; Classic Picaroon can be played over a week or weeks; Persistent Picaroon which is in closed beta will invite players to retain a foothold in the game for as long as they can. There’s something there for everybody whether they are familiar with RTSs, MMOs or not.We hope that the game will have broad appeal! We've added features such as overnight build-queues and automatic building upgrade plans as well as specials that will protect your islands for several days. Hopefully this will help balance the game for those that have lots of time versus those that do not.Having said that, we recognise that it is difficult to get this sort of balance perfect and it is something that we have spent a lot of time attempting to perfect! We continue to experiment with lots of game configurations. We'll have to see what our players suggest!During development we have gradually introduced achievements, friend get friend schemes as well as the ability to share some accomplishments on Facebook. We will continue to add features for alliances and are also considering implementing an overarching faction structure above alliances. Further work is also planned to promote and share alliance achievements.Our immediate plans are to maximise the creative possibilities of the Picaroon concept. We are just about to test the persistent version of Picaroon.We also have plans for new PvE features such as weather, monster octopuses, pirate owned islands and giant squid, and we want to develop a super alliance (the factions mentioned above) concept and other new units.We also want to give a quick spring clean to the UI so that we can simplify and make things even more intuitive.After Picaroon we plan to develop a commercial version of Tronji and then also another project which we hope will be really innovative and fully exploit the possibilities of our technology: think of ever changing organic worlds teeming with artificial life, a world where players can shape the game experience and environment– we are getting really excited and hope OnRPG’s readers might be too!Yes, we’ve always harboured plans to create some mobile applications so that players can stay in touch with critical aspects of their empire, as Picaroon never sleeps.Absolutely! Come and help us make this a great game. We know that we need to keep our ears open and we are aware that the game has only progressed as far as it has because we’ve listened hard to what our players are telling us. We’re always open to advice and if any of your community feels that Picaroon is the game for them, then we’d be delighted to have them and to hear what they have to say!



Minecraft 'Adventure Update' trailers rel

Minecraft players will receive another huge update this week in the form of the version 1.8 'Adventure Update', and we've got two videos of it below. The main premise is, of course, to get players wandering intrmto wide open world on an adventure to kill sheep and stuff.It'll also add new recipes, the ability to fly in a new Creative mode, a new unlimited item selection screen, new Mobs, new environments, new combat mechanics (charge hits, blocking), new farming options, a food system, new achievements and all manner of other stuff. The update will be out on September 8. The first video is a trailer, and the second a making-of video of sorts. Mike Jackson



Anonymous, LulzSec member charged over we

UK authorities have charged a second man as part of their ongoing investigation into online hacking groups Anonymous and LulzSec. 18-year-old Jake Davis, arrested last week and thought to have been acting as a spokesperson for Anonymous and LulzSec, was charged with five offences on Sunday, including unauthorised access to a computer system and conspiring with others to launch online attacks against the website of the UK's Serious and Organised Crime Agency.Davis is set to appear at a centrarmtldon court Monday for a bail hearing, the Wall Street journal reports.In June UK prosecutors also charged 19-year-old Ryan Cleary, who had been a prominent figure in Anonymous and then LulzSec, with five computer-related offenses.



BioShock Infinite video Voice acting sn

If the new screenshots that came out Gamescom last month got you pumped up for BioShock: Infinite, you might want to check out this little snippet of gameplay showing some nifty voice acting. It shows how the emotional performance of the game's voice actor for Elizabeth converts to the game, and offers an insight into the close relationship the player will have with a clearly deeply traumatised Elizabeth. If you haven't already, check out the intriguing Ken Levine video Q&Armt arrived at the beginning of the month. The Irrational boss discusses Move controls for BioShock Infinite, its plot, the PlayStation Vita and how he's toying with expectations.There's also plenty of gameplay footage over here. Mike Jackson



GameStop removing OnLive codes from Deus

Square Enix and game streaming service OnLive have teamed up to offer buyers of the PC version of Deus Ex: Human Revolution free access to that game via OnLive. But that, it seems, doesn't fly well with GameStop. The high street retailer has confirmed that it's told its employees to remove the OnLive coupons from all copies of Deus Ex on PC. An email apparently sent to employees reads: "Please immediately remove and discard the OnLive coupon from all regular PC versions of Deus Ex: Human Revolution."It adds: "Our desire is to not have this coupon go to any customers after this announcement." Several tipsters have apparently told Gamespy that their new copies of the game were previously opened and the coupon missing. Confirming the details of the email, a GameStop rep said: "Square Enix packed the competitor's coupon with our DXHR product without our prior knowledge and we did pull and discard these coupons.rmt" Ex: Human Revolution has wowed critics with stellar review scores this week. But if you're in US and want your OnLive code, you should probably buy the game elsewhere. Mike Jackson



Lucent Heart- MMORPG Meets E-Harmony

A Human’s abilities and characteristics are affected by the effects between the horoscope and the 14 major planets in the game. Once a character reaches level 10, and after opening the seal of Astrolabe, every fifth level a planet can help yrmtovelop an Astrolabe skill.。







With alchemy you are able to craft potions. To craft these delicate potions you need different kinds of herbs and stones. Potions harmtvclass based on the level of alchemy required to brew them. The higher level the recipe requires, the greater the class, and the greater the benefits received from consuming the potion。

With the Machinery profession you can craft gadgets all sorts of varying effects. From freeze rays and air cannons to beams of light used to attack the target. It is also possible to craft various gadgets that will increase your stats and help you defend against the enemy.。




Tailors are able to craft robes and lightweight armor with different statecessary to some classes. Items crafted by players with the Tailoring profession have varying qualities, from normal to perfect and in rare instances beyond perfect.。



In the tutorial you start off by visiting NPC’s in the city of Thereall. After talking to a few important NPC’s you will be given items like an Alpaca mount! You can use this t for 7 days until it expires. You are also given equipment to help you on your journey. At level 4 it is possible to choose your class, opting between Warrior and Mage. Each of those classes can then specialize into a different class around levels 10 and 36.。

Once you have logged into Lucent Heart after using the Beanfun launcher it is time to select  your game server, once this is done it is time to create your character! Creating your charr is very important because it affects your gameplay. Lucent Heart has a unique zodiac system. Players will experience the powers of the zodiac through special armor, abilities and horoscope enhancements that are all tied to the person’s birthday. The zodiac system extends throughout the game and affects everything from combat to character emotions, creating a unique experience a game has never had before. So think twice before choosing your birthday!。




This game can be played by using the WASD keys with your mouse to control the camera or you can simply use your mouse to walk to your destination. It is also possible to click anywhere on your map and your character will automatically move to the location however this might be a little dangerous because the automatic wng system isn’t really working smoothly. With the automatic walking system you just don’t simply walk to your object in a straight line. It follows its own path instead of walking directly; this might be dangerous in certain areas with monsters.。

This game also supports dating, if you feel like looking for a soul mate you can talk to Cupid. He will help you find a soul mate with your selected conditions. You might be wondering  why you should date someone in Lucent Heart. Well… it isn’t easier to quest as a couple, but there are also several other benefits you can get through dating in Lucent Hearth. There are, for example, exclusive emotes, bonus experience and special accessories available. It is also possible to gain ‘Match Points’ these points allow you to use more emotes and grow more flowers that can serve as accessories for the woman in your relationship. To gain these Match Points you can do a compatibility test or you just have to spend time together and do some questing. If your soul mate is the love of your life it is possible to go to the next step in the relationship, Marriage! If your soul mate says yes you can visit a church administrator in any city who will help you plan your wedding.。






Jewelers have access to enchantment stone designs available for both weapons and shields. There are different effects that improve your stand equipment and make you combat ready. They are also able to make other accessory items to provide bonuses.。



A card designer is able to create cards that have a variety of effects that fit into different categories. These cards may help you with all kinds of stuff such as, restoring your mana and health, reviving comrades, and you can trar health to your target. There are also defense and supportive cards that can help you with your fight.。

Lucent Heart is a 3me developed by Gamania Digital Entertainment and is an award-winning hit from Japan. Lucent heart is a Zodiac-inspired Anime MMORPG, which combines exciting RPG gameplay with ancient dungeons, pets and combat mounts with an unprecedented social experience. Interact with friends, find love, and explore the world of Acadia – all for free!。


Lucent Heart is a fun game to play with friends or to find new friends. Using the unique system of a Zodiac this game makes you feel unique using special abilities and items. The game offers a wide variety of skills along with cool looking equipment/cls and different classes to pick. Lucent Heart has a great crafting system that can keep you busy for quite some time to create the items that you desire to have. This game has a lot of features to offer such as dungeons, Player versus Player and a player-driven crafting economy. Unfortunately there aren’t many items to get through the shops and some items are only sold in the Item Mall. Nonetheless the game is a great free to play game that keeps you busy for a while.。


It is also possible to join or create guilds. A guild is a great way to stay connecto old friends and meet new ones. Joining a guild has great benefits for you and your friends, as a Guild Warehouse can be made and people with specific guild ranks are allowed to store and share items. There are also bonuses that are only available to players through guilds.。



By Remko Molenaar (Proxzor), OnRPG Journalist。

The blacksmithing profession will help you create ae array of equipment. This equipment can be made for multiple classes and  can protect them in battle. Items crafted by players with the Blacksmith profession have varying qualities, from normal to perfect and in rare instances, beyond perfect.。

There are 6 professions to choose from, these professions are a great way to crathe necessary gear or accessories that can help you in your adventure through the world of Lucent Heart.。


In the Item Mall you can buy different sort of items, which can help you in the world of Lucent Heart. To buy these items you would have to buy Beanpoints, and 1000  Beanpoints costs $1.00. With these Beanpoints you can buy items such as fashion clothes, potions, elements, backpack ansions and a portable warehouse.


Dead Island dev apologises for 'feminist

Another day, another controversial report with Dead Island at its core. Almost like some sort of marketing stunt. Someone with programming know-how and a really boring life, we imagine, has discovered a line of code hidden in Dead Island that names a 'feminist wh*re' skill for the female character Purna and posted it online. That skill doesn't appear anywhere in the actual gameplay, but has nevertheless sparked outrage. Developer Techland has moved to apologise for the slur, which it says 'a programmer considered a private joke', and promises disciplinary action. "It has come to our attention that one of Dead Island's leftover debug files contains a highly inappropriate internal script name of one of the character skills. This has been inexcusably overlooked and released with the game," it said. "The line in question was something a programmer considered a private joke. The skill naturaly [sic] has a completely different in-game name and the srmtc reference was also changed. What is left is a part of an obscure debug function. This is merely an explanation but by no means an excuse. In the end that code was made a part of the product and signed with our company name."We deeply regret that fact and we apologize to all our customers or anyone who might have been offended by that inappropriate expression. The person responsible for this unfortunate situation will face professional consequences for violating the professional standards and beliefs Techland stands for."A serious matter or a big hoo-ha over nothing? You decide. But this is the second time in one week the folks behind Dead Island have found themselves apologising on behalf of the zombie shooter, after early purchasers through Steam discovered they were accidentally served a disastrously buggy development version of the game.Facepalm. Mike Jackson



Perpetuum More Than Just Mechs

By Vincent Haoson, OnRPG Journalist Perpetuum: Terra Incognita is a new subscription based sci-fi MMORPG from Avatar Creations. The game focuses on the concept of companies/conglomerates trying to get the most resources out of the planet Nia with you as part of their "workforce".For a subscription based MMORPG, I must say that Perpetuum looks pretty shabby compared to the bigger titles out there. Your "robot" is blocky and the visuals lack the oomph you'd find even in free to play games.I don't know though if this is related to the world you're supposed to explore and mine, but it seems that the game never loses the color gray. While the game description puts Nia as a world that's similar to Earth, the planet feels more like cybertron instead of Gaia. It doesn't help that Nia is in fact filled with "synthetic" creatures which you'll have to destroy with either guns or rockets to emphasize its cyber-tronish characteristics more.While Perpetuum does muck things up with the Earth-likeness of Nia, the game at least conveys a world that hits its mark as far as sci-fi is concerned.Being that Perpetuum revolves around the story of commerce, mining and territory building, the game jumps between mining, earning resources, PVE-ing and PVP-ing. Before you jump to the conclusion that Perpetuum is action-packed with arcade-style controls, I will set you straight.The game plays more like a RTS game rather than your usual action-based space themed MMOs. While you control only one ship, your tactics will play a key role in the success of failure of each mission.Perpetuum allows you to fully customize your "mech". The customization options remind me of the console game Armored Core where your mech's look is determined by the parts you equip it with. Equipping parts to your robot isn't an easy task as anyone with experience with MMOs would expect. You have to actually mix and match the parts so that it fits to your intended task for the said robot. You also have to juggle with the limitations set by the capabilities of certain parts which hails back to the customization feature of Armored Core where the parts you can equip is determined by the power of the core generation of said AC robot. All this remains true in Perpetuum.Aside from equipping your mech in Perpetuum your robot's strengths and weaknesses are also determined by how you build up your "pilot". This is set from the start via the choice of alliance your pilot has and focus on what skills your "pilot" should have. You can further determine this in-game every time your character levels up. Perpetuum uses a more customization friendly setup because the game let's you choose the "skills" your character can acquire.While the customization of the mech is pretty thorough, the avatar creation is on a whole different plane but not in a good way. Yes you can "tweak" your avatar's look you don't really see it in action. The only use for your avatar is for the headshot of your character shown in your "character screen" and that's about it. I should also add that your character's headshot is comic to look at. It's pretty obvious that Avatar Creations didn't really put a lot of effort in the avatar creation compared to the other "customization" aspects of the game and that's forgivable in my book since you won't really bother with your avatar in the long run.As I mentioned earlier, Perpetuum jumps between mining, PVE-ing and PVP-ing. The game uses a consistent open world PVP system with only one server to promote not only community building but also a "supposedly" intense PVP experience for players.Battling monsters and other characters requires you to prep your targeting system while "arming" your weapon systems. You also have to work with the range of your weapons before you can start firing at your targets. Fighting low leveled monsters can even be a pain if you come in guns-a-blazin'. In fact there will be times that you have to be in a group to win the low level mobs since- they are tend to group up and will tear you apart before you have time to even snipe off one.Perpetuum has a pretty solid community for a starting MMO. Once you get into the game you are welcomed by a GM who's tasked to help new players out in understanding the game. Aside from that the community chat is vibrant with players both helpful and not.However I can't really give my final verdict for the game's community since it's still new and based on experience sometimes communities which start out as great have the tendency to turn bad once more players come in. So I'll let you decide on that one.Overall, Perpetuum is a solid MMO that gives players a lot more customization features than your normal sci-fi MMO. Personally I don't think that the game's visuals merit this to be a subscription based game, however its robust customization and gameplay systems would make it worthwhile. With the way things are standing for Perpetuum, Avatar Creations have to be consistent with the updates because the game is specialized to hit a target market of gamers who want more "personal touches" in their sci-fi MMOs.My few gripes aside from the game's visuals are that the interface is cluttered. While yes, you have the power to customize your interface’s looks, the menus are rmtvand required so a bit of clutter is a necessary evil to stay efficient. Aside from the cluttered interface, the controls can be quite a handful and complicated so you can't just jump in and play without going through the game's tutorial. This can be a deal breaker for a lot of people who'd like to jump into the game as soon as they made their characters but I think this is a good "filter" for the quality of players who would actually spend time (and money) on the game.Perpetuum is a game that appeals to the more "hardcore" sci-fi gamers or at least to the people tired of the daily grind of the standard industry MMO.Graphics - 2/5 Controls - 3/5 Features - 3/5 Customization - 5/5 Community - 4.5/5



Tribal Wars


Strategy based RPGs have been around just as long as the material they cover and provrmtitiff competition against Tribal Wars by offering so much more. Not only do Risk, Warcraft, and Civilization all have much more depth in terms of both units and buildings, but they also provide an easier learning curve. Beginners are at a disadvantage due to inadequate tutorials and the inability to play without making huge mistakes.。

by Scott Braquet (SimpleAnatomy), OnRPG Journalist。

The games community is built on establishing tribes, forging or breaking alliances with other tribes in an attempt to climb the leaderboards. Tribal Wars earns rmtacolade for the social interaction within and between tribes.。

Establishing seasons would allow players to make mistakes knowing that mistakes made now will be reset in the future, as well as increase the overall speed of the game. In addition, story driven quests would break up the one dimensional gameplay and help users conduct their tribe in a more neutral Users who choose to pay will experience a laundry list of upgrades that completely change the way the game can be played.。





Providing a lackluster presentation paired with gaudy gameplay mechanics, Tribal Wars surrounds itself with peasantry. Newcomers beware as the game leaves you with very little to go off of outside of the help section; add to that the fact that most clans disregard the task of teaching nplayers the ropes. There is a rough road ahead for any new player to attempt to break into the Tribal War’s society. After seeing what Tribal Wars has to offer it is easy to understand where the Dark Ages originated from.。


History has proven that true power lies in the land a rule keeps and the armies that defend it. The Middle Ages stand testament to that fact: this was an era where small, unknown vils were forged into historic empires by vast amounts of blood and steel. Epic battles raged for months on end, armies vying for the honor of becoming historical legends. Tribal Wars, a 2D browser based strategy RPG, steps on to the battlefield bearing more resemblance to a squire than a knight.。

The overall presentation is bland and unoriginal; the Middle Ages were the birthplace of unique music, language, and artwork that could have been incorporated to enhance the gaming experience. The inability to zoom in on your villaakes away from the overview display; the distance keeps the user disconnected from his army. With a lot of unused space on both sides of the screen; integrating the ability to either increase the menu size or provide users the ability to adjust the menus would allow for a much more customized experience and would greatly benefit the user interface.。


If faced with the option to continue playing or meet my doom at the hands of the Black Death I have a feeling I would take my chs with the plague.。





Tribal Wars features a homepage that provides the user with an overview of their village. The overview is surrounded by menus essential to a strategy based RPG; showing the production/limits of each resource, size of your army, and amount of villagers. The overview s well enough, showing the little village busy cultivating resources as it prepares itself for future wars. Tribal Wars also features an in game task bar for easy access to other gaming essentials such as mail and the game forums.。

Unfortunately, the forums are dull and boring, as the staff is keen on censorship. Clans are either closed to recruiting new members or require enough gaming experience to prompt an invite. Finally, with most accounts being run by two people to maintain a competitive edge, players are too engaged in their tactics to socialize outside of their respective tri。




Uncharted Waters Online Arrgh Mateys

By Vincent Haoson, OnRPG Journalist With Uncharted Waters Online finally being officially released, I return to Koei's seven seas F2P MMORPG hoping to see the changes made upon the game's release. Unsurprisingly nothing really has changed with an addition of a few add-ons to the game to which I will elaborate later on.However, before I get ahead of myself (plus I don't want to assume everyone has read my preview) I'll go through the explanation of what the game is about for the benefit of those who stumbled into this review.Uncharted Waters Online is a sea-faring F2P MMORPG from Koei, yes, the company who brought us the Dynasty Warriors series is now venturing into the online market as well (they also brought said franchise to the online market too). The game puts you in the shoes of a either a seafaring merchant, maritime or adventurer in about 16-18th century Europe. Uncharted Waters Online is actually an online spin-off of an old NES and SNES game of the same title.Uncharted Water Online gives you three paths to adventure in-game. You either be the free-spirited travel and discovery centric adventurers, or be the money-centric merchants or the swashbuckler of the seas, maritime.The job classes are easy and self-explanatory enough for anyone who has played any MMORPG. As for those who would be experiencing their first ever MMO in UWO need not fret because the game provides you with a "training course" to help you understand the game's controls and gameplay.The training course in UWO is pretty long-winded and tedious. In fact you can't even skip it so expect rmttame to treat you like a 10-year-old. The training course is disguised as an "academy course" where you are trained to be an effective sea farer. While other MMOs give you the option to skip it, in UWO it's a prerequisite.Actually, if you're the impatient type (like me) your patience will be tested right then and there. Of course the training awards you with easy fame and experience points, both of which are pretty important in the game.When you mention fame in MMOs you'd expect the usual cosmetic add-ons you'd get in the form of titles or what not. However, in UWO fame is as important as your level. In fact, if you want to get to places in UWO you'd have to be "famous" or you won't be able to dock or even explore other areas.There's also another feature in UWO that you'd normally expect as something "cosmetic" or rather something inconsequential for gameplay. And that's the emphasis on your character's looks and disguise.In terms of your character's "looks" this is translated into Formality Points. The idea behind the formality point system is that better looking characters have a higher sway in the social aspects of the game. To be honest, it's a nice game concept really, but you won't really get to feel the full effects of it till you start fiddling with the investing system. Of course its common sense that investors would want to talk to a spiffy seafarer rather than a dirty pirate, and the NPCs in this game are no different.On the other hand you need to also "disguise" yourself if you plan to visit ports and countries controlled by the moors. Being a "Christian" in the game would mean you are only limited to visit "Christianized" areas and you'd need to "disguise" yourself if you ever want to visit other areas.UWO's gameplay is pretty simple, you dock on ports, explore cities, trade, handle pirates, players or even sea creatures and that's that. The game uses a skill system where every level up would allow you to use more skills in whatever tree you choose. You can start out as an adventurer but have skills from the maritime or merchant tree or vice versa.Also, the game really feels like you are a seafarer with all the emphasis on ports, travelling on ships and even cargo carrying for trade. The game really tries hard to make the game feel authentic and they don't disappoint there.From ship maintenance to hiring your crew and even more in travelling on the sea, you will get your wits tested from allocating resources, stocking up on supplies and having to think tactically on how your ships are fitted.If you want an online game that'd deliver the sea faring experience of the age of discovery, then this is your game. In the spirit of making things authentic, the battles in UWO are tailored similar to actual naval battles of old. There are no instant WIN buttons here but instead you have to angle your ship to be able to fire (if you have only side cannons). You can also "ram" enemy ships if you have the proper equipment or board the other ship if you have enough crewmates to take over.With the release of the game the inclusion of an item store is expected, and the good thing about the premium store of UWO is that the things players can purchase aren't game breaking. In fact most of the bonuses you can purchase in the game are mostly related to ship travel, exp gain or even cosmetic add-ons and that's that.Overall, UWO in its released form still retains a lot of the things that I enjoyed from my first impression preview. The game is still a skill grindfest and the long winded tutorial still got on my nerves. My fear of any balance breaking addition to the game was unfounded with the premium store only providing convenience rather than boosting player's capabilities to get an upper hand.I also like how the game tries hard to be as authentic as it can be. With everything down to the ship maintenance, add-ons and little nuances that really create an ambiance matching the great age of discovery.Of course the only problem is that your characters look more Asian than European, but really that's just nitpicking.Graphics - 3/5 Controls - 4/5 Features - 4/5 Customization - 2.5/ 5 Community - 3/5



The Witcher 2 approaches 1m sales

CD Projekt's The Witcher 2 has almost sold a million copies since its release on May 17 this year. The Warsaw Business Journal reports rmt(Gamasutra) that the title moved 940,000 copies in the first half of 2011.That's good going considering the game has so far only released on PC. An Xbox 360 version is in the pipeline but was recently delayed from this year into Q1 2012. The developer said the legal tangle between Namco and THQ over publishing rights to the game played a part in the decision to push the launch to 2012.On the plus side, studio head Adam Kicinski said: "The extra time will allow us to polish the title to perfection, so that the game offers an ideally balanced, fantastic experience to gamers." Mike Jackson



Mario Kart 7 logo revealed alongside new

Nintendo's revealed the logo for Mario Kart 7, as well as a few new pieces of artwork showing off Mario, rmtL and Bowser. Last week, the 3DS racer was officially named Mario kart 7 and a pre-Christmas launch was confirmed.The game's currently in development at Nintendo in conjunction with Retro Studios of Donkey Kong Returns fame. Check out our latest Mario kart 7 preview. Tom Ivan



Black Moon Chronicles Review MMO Comic St

Unfortunately that happened to me, I wanted to create a Menthat but there was something wrong with the code in the character creation page, therefore I opted to just stick with my Paladin because I’ve been trying to finally create my character to no avail.。 You are part of those children who survived the event. Depending on which job class you belong to, the basic premise is that you have finally grown of age and the story starts on the first quest you receive as you spawn into the game.。 The game is your typical dungeon run story driven MMO. What you do in the game is complete the set of tasks that are given as quests by the NPCs. The quests are important to you because this would be your story that you would need to follow through. Unlike in most MMOs where you can skip the quests and just level grind.。 If you have practically nothing else to do and if you are highly interested on an MMO based from earlier RPG games, then you can try out Black Moon Chronicles. The game still has a lot rmtoings that need to be fixed before it can go head-to-head with other MMOs.。 The other thing that I find highly irritating is the character creation and management in Black Moon Chronicles. As much as possible you don’t make an important game system such as character creation and management tedious for your gamer. However managing your character and creating a new one in the game is more laborious than the character management and creation in most MMOs.。 Right of the bat, Black Moon Chronicles is not a visually stunning game, though you might appreciate its graphic novel design and feel. The game can be compared to Diablo in this regard with Black Moon Chronicles being more of the comic-bookish side of gloomy. 。
The game’s basic plot is that your character is a survivor of the most tragic event in the history of the Kingdom of Lhynn, which is named “The Night of the Screaming Tears”. A massacre of the people of the kingdom ensued and you were part of the childrmtrhat survived the attack. 。 If the developers hope to make your game experience feel more out of this world, Black Moon Chronicles delivers. The game is like an interactive graphic novel with you as the main hero. The colors, the texture, the feel, makes your experience feel like it’s taken out of something you may have read on comic books.。
In Black Moon Chronicles, you get to choose from four different factions who are: The Empire, The Justice, The Light and the Blackmoon. Each job class you see in the game is automatically part of one faction, therefore if you want to get a job class that is part of a certain faction, you are then forced to choose from the faction’s stable of jobs.。 For players who are used to creating their characters upon logging into the game would be surprised with this system. Though it is true there is some merit with logging into the website to create and manage your character, like, if you don’t need to minimize the game if you are busy with the stat allocation especially if you are following a guide or something else. However, the problem with this kind of system is that what If the game site is down or that something is wrong with the site and at that time you wto create a new character? Then you sir, are in a pinch.。 One of my biggest issues with the game though is that there are still a lot of things that need to be fixed system wise. For example, when I pressed the quit game button, I wasn’t able to connect back into the game and I was directed to reinstall the game because the system can’t find a config.。 By Vincent Haoson, Onrpg writer。 The game is highly dependent on the quests and the story your character follows. There is no clear information regarding the game’s PVP system meaning that it is in fact story driven.。
If you are into story-based MMOs, Black Moon Chronicles, The Winds of War is a game that can tickle your fancy. Each character class in Black Moon Chronicles has its own story and as begin your quest in this game you are immediately thrust into the world of your character. The quests you will be given circles around your part in the whole storyline of the game.。

- The game feels like you are inside a graphic novel
- Unique storyline for each job class
- Rich story

- The game still has lots of bugs
- The dark atmosphere can kill the game experience
- The quests can be vague。 For customization, the game only allows you to change the skin color. Hair style and Hair color of your character. Furthermore, there’s also a personal slogan that you can use for your character.。 The thing is, the only thing unique in Black Moon Chronicles is the Storytelling element it has. The gameplay is generic and there’s nothing particularly neither unique nor new in the character’s skills. The job classes are taken from the usual bunch of jobs you can see in most MMOs, save the Necromants and the Menthats which is the game’s necromancers and psychics.。 Black Moon Chronicles, is an MMO that is based from a comic strip titled, “Chroniques de la Lune Noire”. The game also had a single player RTS made for the PC.。 The list of available job classes and which faction they belong, in Black Moon Chronicles are as follows: The Warriors and Sorcerers belong to the Empire, the Phalanx and the Archer belong to the Justice, the Paladin and the Priest belong to the Light while the Black G, Ghoul, Orc Barbarian, Dark Priest, Necromant and the Menthat belong to the Black Moon.


Rage developer diary focuses on enemies

id's launched a new behind the scenes trailer focusing on the various enemies you'll come up against in Rage later this year.The developer diary gives an insight into the different fighting skills, techniques and personalities of the shooter's enemy clans. For more Rarmtgmeplay, check out last week's developer diary here.



Rise of Nightmares trailer makes comedy o

This new trailer for Sega's gory Kinect game, Rise of Nightmares, makes decapitation and brutal violence out to be slapstick comedy. It's funny what a difference a funny background tune can make.The game sees players assume the role of an American tourist who has to rescue his wife from a deranged scientist. Played from a first-person perspective, we're promised plenty of decapitation with knives, hatchets and chainsaws.Out this summer, it's the first Kinect game to get an 18 rating from the BBFCrmt. Mike Jackson



OnLive gets cross-game group chat

Gaming cloud serrmtvOnLive has updated its client to support group cross-game chat and other enhanced features. Speaking to Joystiq today, OnLive CEO Steve Perlman confirmed that users are now able to specify groups of people and maintain a chat session with them regardless of the game members of the group are playing. Invites into the chat room can now also be sent via email from the service. New parental control options have also been added, allowing parents to controls the contents their children are able to play in line with PEGI and ESRB ratings. They can also add exceptions to these rules, watch in on the child's gameplay live and chat with them as they play, too. Poor child. Facebook integration has now also been enhanced to support Achievement postings direct to your wall. OnLive will not only automatically tell your FB counterparts when you've got an achievement, it'll automatically include a video clip of the last 10 seconds of gameplay before you got it, which is pretty neat. It's not all been good news for OnLive today. While the service revealed it's signed a cool deal with Square Enix to allow PC owners of Deus Ex: Human Revolution a free cloud version of the game, this hasn't sat well with GameStop, who's told its employees to open up the games and throw out the OnLive coupons included. Mike Jackson


Global Agenda An MMO Shooter

This game is class based like most MMORPGs. You have a character creation screen where you can customize your characters. There are four classes to choose between and each class allows the choice bermtt male or female.。

The first class you can create is the robotics class. This class relies on its machines which can be built rmtbe player and can be repair. Most of their damage and utility comes from their machines but their weapons can also deal damage. They can be built play defensively or offensively. This class seemed to work a lot better defensively when I played it. They are very good at PvE as their machines can heal the whole team and kill enemies.。

There is also the payload game mode where one teust transport a container to the end point. The container moves when players are near it and follows a set path. If all the attackers are killed, the defenders can push the container backwards.。

PvE does tend to get repetitive and boring and starts to become a grind. What I liked about this game was the PvP so I continued doing PvE so I can farm up and get br equipment and gain levels.。

The PvE in GA is pretty fun. You must begin at a certain location and travel through the map until you reach the end while encountering many different enemies. Players must queue up for PvE and have the choice between various difficulties. The layouts are randomly chosen.。

Raids are also present in this game. They open at cin times and players must defend key areas that are under attack from NPCs. Multiple waves of attackers come and at the end there is a boss.。

Global Agenda is a game that is fun at the beginning but tends to get repetitive over time. The action does not feel very fast paced compared toer shooters but is definitely fun while it lasts. Hi-Rez seems to work with the community so the game might improve over time. Currently it does not offer enough to make me want to keep playing it.。

There is a unique PvE game mode in this game called double agent. In this mode two out of the six players are chosen to fight for the common wealth. The chosen players work with the Nto fight the remaining 4 players. The level of difficulty depends on the skill of the two double agents.。

AvA or Agency vs. Agency is a special PvP mode where agencies (guilds) try to control parts of the map. The strike force leader must bid on a certain part of the map and the agency that wins the bid can battle the agency which currentlns that land.。


FIFA 12 ad to debut this weekend

EA's annual FIFA ad is set to air this weekend on Sky Sports 1, the publisher's announced. The now-traditional parade of professional footballers bigging up EA's footy instalment will appear under the tag line "FIFA 12 - Love Football, Play Football", and debut during the Manchester United and Arsenal match.The match kicks off at 16:00 on Sunday August 28, with the EA short set to debut during the second half-time ad break running at around 17:00.The video - which wasrmt ed at West Ham United's Boleyn Ground - stars Wayne Rooney, Gerard Pique, Kaka and Karim Benzema.If last year is anything to go by, the ad will probably send first word on magazine review scores too for this year's instalment. We imagine EA will pick the high ones.Check back on Sunday for the video. Andy Robinson



Divine Souls Kick Ass Priests Unite






Divine Souls does away with the Priest stereotype and presents you with a sormtucythe wielding, monster flinging, slayer. Yes that's right- Remember the game is anactionMMO, so it wouldn't be right if you see a bible totting prirmteitting everybody with the sacred tome of Christianity (cause that's just wrong).。



As expected, the game is fast paced and brutal, especially if your job class belongs to the fast hitters.  Muscle memory is your friend here. Also, what I liked about thme's PVP is that your equipment won’t save you from bad timing and poor strategy. Knowing how and exactly when to unleash a hellish combo is vital to turning a match to your favor.。

The game is more suited for those seeking a fast-paced alternative to the MMORPG fantasy norms. In fact I can go as far as saying that if Grand Chase were ever turned into a 3D g Divine Souls could be its soul successor of sorts.。



Divine Soul's gameplay is set for fast-paced keyboard breaking action. The gameplay is highly streamlined to make players maximize the full "action" potential.  The gamehighly skill based with the emphasis of keying in the correct button sequence for combos to deal out maximum damage. You don't play around with stat points in Divine Souls because everything is reliant on your job class choice, and the equipments your character has. Also the classes are gender locked, limiting your customization a bit.。

The World Hub is set up in a pretty standard MMORPG fashion. An overworld exists in which you can interact and trade with other playersile major dungeons are instanced and set up for you to tackle by yourself or with a small group of friends.。

However, I can’t recommend the game to people who want a more deliberate and slow-paced game. When they advertise this as an action , they are telling you just what to expect.。




The agents that are sent by the government and interested parties represent the character job classes you will have to choose from. You have the staple general concept of melee, swordsman, magic and healer classeThese classes are mostly by the book MMORPG standard classes, however, the one thing that really jumped at me is the Priests, or the healer class.。


Divine Souls is Outspark's 3D Action MMO. The game is set in a world where Divine Matter was discovered and used to help humanity surpassed their limitations. However, with great power comes great responsibility, and according to the game's story, the discovery unhinged the balance of nature. However the great nations in Divine Souls have decided to withhold final judgement on the substance despite the obvious warnings. This changes when the chief scientist responsible for diering Divine Matter goes missing, his lab ransacked. Now the time has come for the government to act before a greater calamity occurs.。

Aside from this, the game of course has a cash shop where you can purchase "vanity items" and some potions and exp boosts. The cash shop items thankfully aren't as balance tipping as you would expect so there's still no great distion for those who actually spent money in the game or not.。

If I think about it, Divine Souls is a game that really delivers action as promised. The smooth transition between PVE and PVP is refreshing to experience, however the instanced dungeon questing gets old fast. While the game does have some other features in place, in't hold anyone with short attention spans.。



By Vincent Haoson, OnRPG Journalist。


If you want to peg Divine Soul's best feature, I'd say that the game's PVP system is its greatest strength. The game incorporates a healthy mix of PC action gaming and old school fighting game combo systems to produce a unique aompetitive PvP atmosphere.。

The game's combo system is easy to learn but you do need to invest more time in making your combo transitismooth and efficient if you ever want to succeed in the game’s PvP. This is where the repetitiveness of the gameplay tends to be the make or break for any player. If you're the type who doesn't really care that you keep on stringing the same combos, fight after fight, after fight, after fight then the game is just for you.。


In terms of Divine Soul's features, you hahe staple MMO features such as a guild system, an achievement system and party systems. However the one game feature the stood out is the medal system.。



Divine ls has incorporated a medal system that's tied to your achievements in-game. The medals serve both as bonus stat boosters and in-game titles. You have four slots to fill, allowing you to customize yourself to stand out from others sharing your class.。


The game is also notable for allowing players to use controllers, especiafor those who are more accustomed to playing games like this with a gamepad.。




When it comes to PVP-ing, your biggest foe… is the lag. People who have slow internet connections are in the mercy of those who have better ones. I personally can attest to getting my priest defeated time and time again by people who have a faster Internet connection, or closer proximity to the game serv The only time I was able to kick anyone's ass is when I was faced with an enemy from the same geographical region as myself.


Evony Review I Think I've Seen This Game


The graphics are flawless and look a lot different when compared to otherrmt ser games. Everything is properly rendered, with a diverse set of buildings that are easy on the eyes. I guess browser games have taken their visuals to the next level. The elements work well together, creating harmony between the elements. Other games have failed miserably when attempting this kind of approach, considering the fact that most of their elements stand out instead of blend in with the other features. With that in mind, this game truly reeks of awesomeness.。

You can also expand your empires scope by conquering or befriending other towns. You will earn rewards as you team up with other areas (NPCs) earning either extra soldier, gold or other necessities. Competing with other players (PVP) is one of the main attractions of today's MMO games. No one could ever resist beating down other players to boost their online ranks and self worth. Worry not new players! You will be given a 7-day immunity period against enemy attacks (specifically other players) when starting the game. Once you've established your base and array of soldiers, you'll probably be the one to beg for the barrier/immunity to go down LOL. The game has an outstanding community, making it hard for you not to fight. As much as the words MASSIVELY MULTIPLAYER is concerned, I'd say that player population is good enough for you to enjoy playing thisrmt for a long time.。


One thing about this game is its funny grammar. I really can't spy how many grammatical errors I've spotted during my game time. God please don't let this beautiful game end up like Zero Wing "ALLYOURBASEAREBELONGTOUS!"。

If you're familiar with games like Farmville, you know what it's like to wait for something to grow, or in this case build. Some structures in the game takes days to build. Think of it as though you're really in charge of a virtual world that builds itself in real time. Units are trained the same way as well, making it a bit realistic but dullh waiting. I'm not really that much of a waiter so this part of the game didn't appeal to me that much; however, the waiting time builds your suspense, hoping you don't get attacked before your walls are built. It's a very awesome factor. Fast paced games > slow ones? Guess not. I'm not sure if you're willing to invest that much time on a browser game, but they sure are good when you're dead bored at work.。

The good:
- Awesome visuals
- Quests
- Micro Transactions
- Big community。






Yeah, just as the header suggests, everything that's acquired with real money can really boost your advantage over players who plar free. It's a cheap trick being pulled by most of the games that dub themselves free to play. I've tried tons of subscription methods for various MMOs from browser games to application ones. Although they aren't required for you to fully enjoy the game, they do provide an imbalanced advantage over other players. This really destroys the whole point of the words FREE TO PLAY... well, they didn't say FREE TO ENJOY or FREE TO TIERWHORE so I guess they're safe.。

Evony looks a lot like Age of Empires and Civilization. After looking aat the game's graphics have to offer, I was astounded at how much these games have evolved throughout the years (wasn't Kingdom of Loathing just err... MS Paint-based?).。

Expanding Lands in Evony

Building in Evony

Browser games are currently what turns non gamers into mind numbed zombies who will do their best to sneak a few minutes from work just to check on their online characters. Browser games are more or less work safe. They don't crash your computer, they don't look like games, and most of all they're easily closed (haha! I win Mr. Supervisor dude!). The best part about browser game is that they're system friendly. You don't really need pgrade your PC 3 times a year to play these babies.。



Building a Town

You'll start out as a lord of a certain clan, doing various deeds that don't seem to mix well with the storyline. You'll be doing trivial stuff, separating you from the storyline. It's actually crazy at some point, much comparable to Superman helping an old woman cross the road, aware that Lois Lane is falling off a building. Browser games have generic plots regardless of its well-written lore. I've had my share of browser gaming goodness, and might I say that most of them tend to dive off the plot 4 minutes into playing it. I guess this is what separatpplication games from this genre.。

Formerly called Civony, Evony is a Massively Multiplayer Online (MMO) Web browser game that shines for its strategic features. It's not really a hard game per se, but the dynamics are so enthralling, you'd think you're actually playing an applicn game.。



The bad:
- Bad grammar
- Connection fails most of the time (even for some DSLs)
- Micro Transactions (tier whoring)
- It stays away from the plot。


All in all, the game is really fun to play whether you subscribe or not. It's really newbie friendly so you don't have to worry about being ganged on whirst entering the scene. The visuals are quite impressive especially for a browser game, with well-rendered buildings that blend well in their respective terrain. There are tons of people who are playing the game so it'll be hard to feel alone even if you want to be. Tier whoring or subscription whoring may be an issue for those who want an equal basis for all players, but heck there's nothing we can do about that right? The game also features a wide set of linear quests that don't seem to mix with the storyline. It's no biggie... At least the game has quests right?。

Evony Review: I Think I've Seen This Game Before
By Kei Beneza (dividelife), OnRPG journalist。

Although the game has certain balance issues like the overpowered archers, combat can still be considered as good in Evony. You can pick from an array of soldiers, dressing them up and gearing them up to further compliment their efficiency in battle. can also team up with other players or join an alliance to give you the upper hand. There are various ways to insure victory in this game, either by tier whoring or by simply ganging up on multiple targets.。






Imbalanced Advantages

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