
How to Negotiate a Divorce Settlement

Negotiating a divorce settlement allows both parties an opportunity to avoid the cost and stress that can come from a divorce trial. A mediator can provide a sense of ease between the two parties as they discuss how to best handle issues, such as finances, distribution of property and payment of child support among other concerns. A divorce settlement requires perseverance and cooperation from both parties to negotiate an ideal agreement, but keep in mind that the costs of a trial can be an even greater stressor.

Step 1
Consult an attorney to understand the family laws in your state because different states may have different policies concerning issues common in a divorce settlement, such as alimony and spousal support, according to The Modern Woman's Divorce Guide website.

Step 2
Identify the issues in your divorce and establish your goals for each issue. Rift Gold Compromise is common and necessary in a divorce settlement to avoid the costs and time of a trial so Informed Divorce website suggests prioritizing each issue to gain an understanding of what you feel strongly about contesting and what you may be willing to negotiate.

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Step 3
Consider the long-term consequences of all settlement offers, according to Inside Divorce. RIFT Platinum The purpose of a divorce settlement is to negotiate an agreement you can live with so a court trial will not make the decisions for you.

Step 4
Present your settlement statement at the pre-trial conference for the divorce settlement. Negotiations require each party to present a statement concerning their position in the divorce. rift gold The Modern Woman's Divorce Guide suggests using the settlement statement as an idea of what to expect if the divorce goes to trial and what you could lose if you are both unable to reach an agreement on the issues.

Step 5
Detail each agreement made during the negotiation in writing and have your ex and his lawyer sign the agreement, according to The Modern Woman's Divorce Guide. Each agreement must be as detailed as possible to avoid a further contest in the future. Neither party can renege on the agreement unless they have evidence of coercion, duress, fraud or a mistake from the other party. RIFT Platinum The Modern Woman's Divorce Guide reports that some cases allow the lawyer to request that a court reporter records and makes a transcript of the agreements to have the agreements on the record. The courts will review the agreement to ensure that both parties understand the details. Keep a copy of all agreements during the settlement negotiations.

